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Citizen-led Action for Educational Accountability and Responsiveness in Ghana (CLEAR)

In consortium with
Strengthen civil society roles in promoting the transparency and accountability of national education sector policy and implementation

Children, especially girls, in remote rural parts of Ghana suffer from inequality in basic education. This affects access to education with the biggest numbers of out-of-school children found here; and also affects quality resulting in poor educational outcomes because of inadequate public education. This situation is particularly pronounced in Northern Ghana.
There is weak transparency and bottom-up accountability. Citizens generally lack relevant information about the education policy framework and the education service delivery system to be able to engage effectively with education authorities and service providers. Information is largely not produced and disseminated in a language and via tools that are accessible to local citizens depriving them of the opportunity to really understand the education system, policies, programmes and plans and hold relevant authorities accountable at all levels. In addition, there exist weak mechanism for accountability and weak and limited spaces of citizens participation and engagement with education authorities and service providers.
Overall objective
Contribute to equitable access to quality basic education for children in deprived areas of Ghana by strengthening transparency and accountability
The project is especially focusing on girls' access to education
This objective will only be reached:
1. If citizens in deprived districts are mobilized to understand their rights and entitlements regarding education;
2. If their capacity is built to monitor educational delivery using social accountability processes, and make their voices heard;
3. If Northern-Ghana CSOs strengthen alliances and networks to engage in national dialogue on equity in education using evidence generated by the citizens groups and other research, then access to quality, gender responsive and inclusive education will be achieved in Ghana.
Expected results
Inequality in basic education is documented by citizens, who hold district authorities accountable and make their voices heard.
Northern CSOs have a more influential role and stronger voice in national policy dialogue and make valuable contributions to alliances, networks and learning platforms leading to more equity in education.
Collaboration with the media will be used to push the issues of concern from the local to the national level.
Planed Activities
1. Community Mobilization
Community-based citizen groups will be trained to know each citizen's right to education, the role of the government and their possibilities regarding educational monitoring.
2. Youth engagement
The aim is to involve the youth as actors of change. Using YEFL Ghana experience, youth will be trained to participate directly in the education managing and monitoring.
3. Data / Evidence gathering
Activities will be led to ensure the collection of reliable data about education, mostly by the members of the communities themselves, in order to improve the evaluation of the educational system.
4. Facilitating Social Accountability Processes
To empower community members, adapted tools will be created to facilitate their engagement with the education services providers.
5. Collaboration and Networking with Relevant CSOs
The project is linked to local and regional initiatives led by Civil Society actors as well as governmental actions. Collaboration will ensure the sustainability of the project.
6. Advocacy and Policy Influencing
By creating dialogue with decision makers and broadcasting information accessible to all publics, the project aims to influence education policies at the local and national scale and create awareness on education matters.
7. Capacity support for state actors
Decision makers will be trained and sensitized on citizen engagement in policy making and implementation.
This project is funded by