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Baobab Market

Baobab Market is a platform for CSOs in the Northern Region of Ghana. It is a “market” place open to committed CSOs to buy and sell (learn and share ideas). It is a learning platform where issues are arrived at through consensus building among member CSOs. It is a learning platform and an open space where CSOs freely enter and exit at will depending on the issues, their interest and competence/expertise. Baobab Market is also unique because it is more inclusive and draws CSOs and individuals with diverse backgrounds and expertise. CSOs will deal with issues based on thematic competence. Baobab Market identifies, discusses and adopts strategies to collectively address development challenges to enhance the wellbeing of the people of the region and nation at large. Members identify emerging developmental issues and CSOs who work and have expertise in those thematic areas pool their forces together to address the developmental issue identified and disperse afterwards.

Partnership for Good Governance

GDCA initiated the Partnership for Good Governance comprising GDCA, the Tamale Office of CDD-Ghana, the Local Governance Network (LOGNet) Northern Region, Institute of Local Government Studies Tamale Campus and Rural Media Network (RUMNET). The forum provides opportunity to reach other CSOs nationwide to support in research and dissemination activities. Since 2013, the network has worked together to carry a nation-wide research and dissemination of results on the application of MMDAs’ Model Standing Orders, training of community groups in local governance policies and making joint project proposals.

Civil Society Platform on Oil and Gas

The platform currently comprises about 120 organised groups, individuals and professional bodies (including community based organisations, faith based groups, research institutions, gender based groups, trade unions, etc.) working toward ensuring transparency and accountability in the oil and gas industry in Ghana. The platform focuses on strengthening the ability of civil society to have their voices heard on oil and gas legislation, revenue collection and environmental protection.

Depending on their expertise (e.g. budgetary issues, revenue tracking, human rights, environment), member organisations take the lead on specific activities to be carried out, with others lending their support. In addition, some activities are carried out by the platform at national level, particularly with regard to national advocacy, such as the development of policy briefs.

GDCA has been a member of the Civil Society Platform on Oil & Gas (CSPOG) since its formation in 2008 and has remained an active member of the platform to date. GDCA is the representative and convener of the platform in the three regions of Northern Ghana, Northern, Upper East and Upper West Regions. CSPOG also provides GDCA the opportunity to be informed about other extractive industry initiatives such as the Ghana Extractive Industries Initiative (GHEITI), the Akoben framework established by the Environmental Protection Agency to name and shame mining companies regarding responsible behaviour in the industry.

Ghana CSOs Platform on SDGs

The Ghana Civil Society (CSO) Platform on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) was established in October 2015 to ensure more coordinated civil society efforts in achieving the SDGs in Ghana. Membership cuts across all the districts of Ghana and is divided into 17 SDG sub-platforms, one for each of the 17 goals. 

Northern Ghana Network for Development

NGND is network of Ghanaian civil society organizations – non-governmental and community-based – working in cities and villages throughout the three northern regions of Ghana.   The Network is strong, resourceful and connected to the people through its  member organizations. They work in areas of health, education, food security, women’s empowerment and citizen participation in government.


GDCA is an active member of the Network and actively participates in its activities. GDCA also supports some activities of the Network in the engagement in policy dialogue, research and learning and sharing in the areas of local governance, natural resources management and government policies. The platform provides GDCA the opportunity to reach out to the Upper East and Upper West Regions through other members of the network.


Visit NGND here.

Ghana Monitoring and Evaluation Forum

GDCA is an active member of the network, participating in meetings and capacity building activities of the network. GDCA also shares its experience in monitoring and evaluation on the platform, while learning from other members of the platform.

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