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Simli Radio 95.3 MHz
Simli Radio is a participatory-driven community radio station established in 1995 with the support of DANIDA. The Radio serves as a platform for communication and information for rural community residents in Savelugu/Nanton, Tolon, Kumbungu, Sagnarigu, West Mamprusi and Karaga Districts of the Northern Region of Ghana.
Simli Radio is a registered company under the Ghana Company registration code and a founding member of the Ghana Community Radio Network (GCRN) and has since 2005 been operating on its own frequency (95.3MHz). Prior to obtaining its own frequency Simli Radio was broadcasting through Radio Savannah in Tamale.
The Station is located in Dalun, 33 km from North-West of Tamale Metropolitan area. Around 400 communities receive Simli Radio broadcasts and participate in programming through Listeners Clubs established throughout the communities.
Currently Simli Radio runs programmes in support of the Ghana Developing Communities Association (GDCA) sectors, which include the Simli Centre (training centre)
Simli Radio also partner with both International, National and Local organisations and institutions such as GHS, UNICEF, GCRN, NORSAAC, USAID SPRING, DISTRICT ASSEMBLIES, DAMBA MULTIMEDIA and NHIS among others.
Focal programme areas for Simli Radio
The health focus includes Malaria prevention, Environmental Sanitation and School hygiene education.
Financing Simli Radio
From 2008 Simli Radio has been operating on its own, without DANIDA funding. The new situation demands a vigorous income generation approach to support the running of the station which means that Marketing and Fundraising are now major strategic areas.
Simli Radio is in the process of extending the notion of Community Radio to the Eastern Corridor of the Northern Region including Yendi, Gushiegu, Karaga, Saboba-Cheriponi, Nanumba North and South.
“To see every household within the constituent communities of Simli Radio empowered through its programmes to contribute to the development of the community they aspire to live in."
“Simli Radio explores participatory approaches to provide a platform that will stimulate social, economic, and political change that meets the aspirations of its constituent communities”.
The Core Rationale of Simli Radio as a Community Radio
There is a need for Simli Radio to give voice to the voiceless and to enhance the access and assessment of information as a prerequisite for participating in development processes.
Simli Radio seeks to sustain and develop its comparative advantages as a community radio station, to enhance the use of information and communication through radio to allow marginalized communities and groups to generate and share their knowledge and experience.
Core Values of Simli Radio
In working to achieve its above goals and objectives the Simli Radio will be guided by the following values:
Non Profit
Non partisan
Non ethnic
Non sectarian
Operational Strategies
Simli Radio seeks to improve and sustain its uniqueness by adopting the following strategies:
Strengthening the technological capacity of the station
Setting human resource development as a high priority
Ensuring the direct participation of communities in every aspect of radio, being both the programmes and the governance of the station
Managing an effective marketing and PR strategy
Facilitating the establishment of a community radio station at Sang, in the Eastern Corridor of Northern Region, to extend the benefits of community radio to an extended area.